Support For Our Adopted School In India
Back in 2018, The Saheli Foundation adopted a small primary school in rural India. Approximately 87 of its students come from families working as road side labour. Looking at their bright, enthusiastic smiles one would never guess the day to day challenges of these children.

Each year we have committed to providing backpacks at the beginning of the school year. For the winter months we are providing sweaters and shoes for these kids. We have now had three of our volunteer personally go to the school to distribute either the backpacks or sweater/shoes.

The volunteers go on their own initiative (and expense) and the foundation provides the items. So many heart warming stories unfold in this school that we have to share.
One time while getting fit for a pair of shoes one of the students asked if she may get a size smaller. When asked for the reason she explained “I am okay but my little brother at home really needs a pair of shoes.” This other time our volunteer noticed they were short one pair of shoes and it turned out the janitor had requested a pair for her child.

The fulfillment and joy our volunteers feel is beyond measure. This young man exclaimed going to the school was the most humbling experience of all.
Blessed are those who have the privilege to uplift others. We are all so grateful!!